Doctors & management Preserving the quality of authentic Ayurveda: Specialists, experts and a visionary
In the current flood of Ayurvedic wellness offerings, medical quality control is urgently required. Our excellently trained doctors and therapists as well as management guarantee medical excellence of authentic Ayurveda in Bad Ems.

Dr. phil. Karin Pirc, Medical Director
- Licensed as a doctor of human medicine
- Trained as a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation programme
- Diploma and doctorate in psychology
- 1985 Foundation of the first Ayurveda Health Center in Germany, in Schledehausen
- 1992 Foundation of Maharishi Ayurveda Privatklinink Bad Ems with Managing Director Lothar Pirc
- One of the leading German specialists in pulse diagnosis and panchakarma
- Global Hakim Ajmal Khan Award: “Best Ayurveda doctor in the world 2006”
- Raj Ayu Con 2013, highest award of the organizing committee: “International Lifetime Achievement Award”
- Author of several successful books on Ayurveda
Lothar Pirc, Founder and CEO
- Teacher of Transcendental Meditation since the age of 22 in France, Germany and Switzerland
- Hotel manager of a renowned hotel in Arosa, Switzerland, purchasing manager for 20 other hotels
- Lecturer in demand worldwide, author of scientific articles
- Management of large international conferences with up to 3000 participants, of symposia and seminars as well as training of seminar leaders in Turkey, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands
- Teaching activities in the field of Ayurveda in the Netherlands, Kenya, Cyprus, and the USA
- 1992 Foundation of the Maharishi Ayurveda Private Clinic Bad Ems with leading physician Dr. Karin Pirc
- Global Hakim Ajmal Khan Award 2007 for Organizational & Social Vedic Services
- Member of the board of ADAVED (Ayurveda umbrella organization, Germany)
- Founder of the Foundation for the Promotion of the Vedic World Heritage in Nepal and India
- Autobiography: The Blessing of the Maharishi

Aurel Christ, Medical Doctor & Master in Ayurveda-Medizin
- Licensed as a doctor of human medicine
- Master of Science in Ayurveda-Medizin
- Son of Dr. Karin Pirc, grew up with Ayurveda since childhood
- Graduation in the USA: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Media
- International medical experience in both general and acute care medicine
- Main focus: Panchakarma, nutrition, Ayurvedic psychology.

Vaidya Kalyan C. Indukuri
- Vaidya Kalyan Chakravarthy hails from a famous family tradition of Ayurvedic Vaidyas, who passed on their knowledge from generation to generation over the centuries.
- He has been learning Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis from his grandparents, starting at the age of 3.
- His father Dr. I.G. Raju and uncle Dr. J.R. Raju, both among the most famous Vaidyas in India, taught him the knowledge and healing powers of Ayurveda.
- Vaidya Kalyan is postgraduate in Ayurvedic medicine, having trained in classical Ayurveda at accredited universities in India for 9 years. He has over 15 years of experience practicing authentic Ayurveda in India, Germany, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland and other countries.
- His special areas of expertise are Dravyaguna (identifying plants and their healing characteristics), Panchakarma courses of treatment, as well as the selection of combinations of medicinal herbs for best individual effect.