Sweet = unhealthy?

Sweetness has an important place in an Ayurvedic diet as it is one of the six basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart. According to Ayurveda, food containing all six tastes (Rasas) is considered highly nutritious, satiating and gratifying.

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Keeping your cool when the weather is hot

From the Ayurvedic perspective, summer is the time when the fire element increases in nature, and therefore also in our physiology. With increased Pitta Dosha, the digestive power (Agni) tends to decrease. An imbalance in Pitta Dosha can cause a range of ailments such as various types of inflammation, heartburn, skin rashes, as well as fatigue and irritability.

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Celebrating Ayurveda

DGA anniversary congress, 8–11 June 2023
With these words, Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer, Ayurvedic physician and president of the German Society for Ayurveda (DGA), opened the recent anniversary congress.

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What Ayurveda can tell us about rice

Rice, one of the oldest cultivated plants, plays a central role in the diet of many cultures, especially in Asia. Indian lore cherishes several legends about the origin of rice. One of them is about Shiva, one of the main deities in Hinduism.

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Fasting the gentle way

The winter has been long and uncomfortable, with lots of gray, cold weather, making us long to cozy up at home with a hot cup of tea and a good book. From the Ayurvedic viewpoint, in particular the second half of winter is characterized by an increase of Kapha Dosha in the physiology. If unbalanced, this can manifest itself in various ways, like sluggishness, weight gain and an increased susceptibility to respiratory problems.

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Our intestines and our state of mind

Most people are aware of the fact that intestinal bacteria play a key role in our health. What is less well-known, however, is the connection between the intestines and the brain, which is called the gut-brain axis. Like a busy highway, it carries a constant, lively exchange of information.

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Losing weight without stress

Now that the new year is a few weeks old already, we hope that the resolutions for 2023 have not yet been thrown overboard. With growing health awareness, losing excess pounds is high on the wish list for many people, along with adopting better eating habits, getting more exercise and spending more time with friends and family.

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Congratulations to our doctor Aurel Christ!

Our doctor Aurel Christ has completed the Ayurveda course, the Master’s examination and his Master’s thesis at Middlesex University, London with Distinction and the grade 1. He now holds the title “Master of Science in Ayurvedic Medicine”.

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An easy-going Christmas season with Ayurveda

The year is coming to a close and we are in the Advent season, during which every Sunday, one more candle is lit on the Advent wreath. It’s a time characterized by decreasing daylight, until the solstice on 21 December, when the days slowly begin to lengthen again. The lack of light outside is conducive
to going within.

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Christmas menu 2022

There’s no need to forget about Ayurveda when it comes to the Christmas dinner! To prove it, we have put together a tasty Christmas menu for you.

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Leading Ayurveda provider in Europe

RELAX Guide has been rating spas and wellness hotels in Austria since 1999 and in Germany since 2001. RELAX Guide, the only critical hotel guide with more than 2,000 wellness and health hotels, provides a comprehensive overview and shows where quality can be found. The tests are anonymous and are considered the toughest in the industry.

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Maintaining good health during the cold season with Ayurveda

The time when one season makes way for the next is also a transition period for the body, because our physiology adapts and reorients itself to the changing weather conditions. Therefore, our inner balance is more delicate and we are more susceptible to infections, especially when it’s cold, rainy and windy.

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Vedic architecture – living in harmony

Although the ancient knowledge of Vedic architecture is closely related to that of Ayurveda, it is still relatively unknown in the West. The ancient traditions of the Veda are divided into 40 areas of life, and one of these includes architecture and urban planning.

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Autumn noodles

For autumn, we have created a comforting pasta dish with noodles made from emmer grain.
Emmer, an ancestor of wheat, is one of the oldest cereals, often referred to as the primordial grain.

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Home-made almond milk

Almond milk is a well-loved milk alternative on account of its pleasant taste and consistency. Almonds in their natural form are known for their abundance of protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

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Ayurvedic golden milk

‘Ayurvedic golden milk’ can be taken in-between meals. It has a wonderful taste and balances Doshas Vata and Pitta. This milk is also highly recommended as a nightcap.

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