§ 2 Pricing

Your booking confirmation determines which services and prices are contractually agreed on, with reference to the current list of Services and Prices. The total fees include your stay and the confirmed treatments, the board you have booked, and the supporting program. If you decide to extend your stay or have additional treatments, those will be charged separately.

Reservations can be made over the phone, by email or in writing. Your booking becomes official when you receive our confirmation and the invoice for the security deposit of € 500.
You may cancel your reservation – in writing only – during the first seven days after making the reservation. In this case, there will be no cancellation fee, provided it is more than four weeks before your treatment is scheduled to begin, because that is when we start planning your doctor’s visits, treatments, meals and staff.
Starting the eighth day after making your reservation, a cancellation fee will apply.
Any change to your reservation will result in a 51 € administrative fee.

§ 3 Cancellation and early departure

Cancelling your reservation is only possible in written form. The cancellation charges depend on the time left until your treatments are scheduled to start and are proportional to the services booked, as follows:

  • If you cancel earlier than 4 weeks prior to your scheduled arrival, the fee will be 10% of the total cost estimate;
  • If cancelled earlier than 2 weeks prior to arrival: 30% of the total cost estimate;
  • Earlier than 4 days before arrival: 50% of the total cost estimate;
  • 3 days or less before arrival: 75% of the total cost estimate.

If you don’t arrive at all (‘no show’), we charge 80% of the total cost estimate.

Early departure: If you have to leave before your course of treatment is complete, those services that were booked but not received will be charged at 80% of their cost.

For patients requiring special care, an additional fee will apply, based on the extra services that were booked.

In case you are unable to use your reservation yourself, you may of course transfer it to another person of the same gender.

We can also advise you regarding economical travel cancellation insurance.

§ 4 Notice of defects and warranty

During your course of treatment: Should any aspect of our services be unsatisfactory, it should be brought to our attention immediately, so we can remedy the situation right away.

§ 5 Cancelling treatments during your stay

Cancelling single Ayurveda treatment sessions during your stay is possible until noon on the day before the planned treatment. Otherwise, you will be charged 80% of the treatment cost, unless there is a medical indication.

§ 6 Data protection

Your personal information will be used solely for processing your reservation and for our own internal use, unless you have expressly agreed to additional usage.

If you wish to have your personal information removed, blocked or updated, please email us at:

§ 7 Applicable law

German law is applicable to all our services and contractual agreements.

In case of doubt, the German-language version of these Terms and Conditions is decisive.

§ 8 Company information

Maharishi Ayurveda Gesundheits- und Seminarzentrum Bad Ems GmbH
Am Robert Kampe Sprudel
postbox 13 30
D-56120 Bad Ems

phone: +49 2603-94070
fax: +49 2603-3122

Main domain:,
Sole authorised managing director: Lothar Pirc
Medical director: Dr. Karin Pirc
District Court Koblenz, HRB 4569
Place of jurisdiction: Bad Ems
Value added tax identification number: DE 149321178