Detox & Anti-Aging with Ayurveda Reversing the aging process
Healthy, happy and vital into old age: “anti-aging” is on everyone’s lips. With its goal of extending the life phase, Ayurveda turns out to be the mother of anti-aging. The Sanskrit term “Ayurveda” means “the knowledge of long life” (ayus = life, veda = knowledge), which in the true sense means the “science of prolonging the lifespan with full mental and physical health”.
Reversing the aging process with Ayurveda
Ayurveda uses a wealth of medical applications and recommendations for everyday life to effectively slow the aging process and can even help you reverse aging symptoms that have already occurred.
What happens during a detox and anti-aging treatment?
Fat and water-soluble metabolic residues, environmental toxins and other toxins are systematically released from their often years-long anchoring in the body’s cells and eliminated in successive steps. At the same time, the soul is also freed from burdens. Unprocessed conflicts, deep-seated tensions and stress loads are released parallel to the physical relief. People who have experienced this cure feel much more vital, healthy and energetic after only 10-14 days. Existing health problems are reduced and at the same time joy of life and performance return.

Ayurveda Detox & AntiAging cures in our health centre

- 10 days - For effective revitalization
- 3 days mobilization of toxins
1 day therapeutic detoxification and intestinal cleansing
3 days intestinal cleansing
1-3 days cleansing of the head area
Ayurvedic gourmet full Board
Informative supporting program - Regular consultations with the doctor

- 14 days - effective cleansing cure for individual therapy of health disorders
- 3 days mobilization of toxins
1 day therapeutic detoxification and intestinal cleansing
5 days intestinal cleansing
3 days cleansing of the head area
Ayurvedic gourmet full Board
Informative supporting program - Regular consultations with the doctor

- 21 days - vacation for your health. Relaxation and revitalization at the highest level
- 8 days mobilization of toxins
1 day therapeutic detoxification and intestinal cleansing
7 days intestinal cleansing
5 days cleansing of the head area
Ayurvedic gourmet full Board
Informative supporting program - Regular consultations with the doctor
Decline in biological age
At the 8th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Chicago, USA, researchers presented a scientific study. In it, subjects showed a significant reduction in their average biological age by 4.8 years after participating in three different Maharishi Ayurveda preventive programs over a ten-month period: Panchakarma, Rasayana (see below) and Meditation.
Panchakarma reduces pollutants in the blood
This scientific study showed that a Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma cure reduced up to 58% of the environmental toxins accumulated in the blood after twelve days. A similar effective procedure is not yet known – for a comparably large reduction of environmental toxins, the body would need about 25 years without Panchakarma.
Our quality promise:
Focusing on the whole person
We take this promise very literally in Bad Ems. Our staff team is at your disposal with individual attention and will take care of your personal wishes and questions during your stay. In this way, you will also feel completely at ease outside of the relaxing treatment times.