What is Maharishi Ayurveda Bloom loss and new flower
The aspiration of the sages many thousands of years ago was no less than the creation of a disease-free society in harmony with the surrounding environment. They possessed a holistic understanding of the wisdom of nature, which is inherent in all life and “manages” the entire universe.
The eventful history of Ayurveda
Capturing the knowledge
Only when people forgot to experience this wisdom with their own consciousness, the Rishis, “seers”, began to write down the texts recited over centuries. Thus, the knowledge and with it the procedures, therapies and herbal formulas of Ayurveda could be preserved – in Sanskrit, the oldest language of mankind.
The “mother of medicine” – almost lost and forgotten
Significant parts of Ayurveda were preserved over the millennia in individual family traditions. But the whole picture was fragmented and threatened to be lost in its wholeness and depth.
The new beginning
Finally, in the late 1970s, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Veda and Science project brought together scientists and healers from East and West. Years of fine-tuning succeeded in reassembling the previously unconnected parts into a living whole and restoring consciousness to its original meaning.
Thus a complete renewal of Ayurveda succeeded – as it is practiced today as Maharishi Ayurveda worldwide in the highest quality.
Who was Maharishi?
The vision of the sage Maharishi
“Ayurveda will be regarded in the future as the most highly developed system for perfect health. And this for both prevention and cure. A highly evolved health program, the most profound system for maintaining perfect health because it starts from consciousness. It deals with mind, body, senses and the whole environment. It deals with all the levels of manifestation of life and it deals with the holistic value of life that permeates all these different levels. And this is the self-referral state of pure consciousness.”

You hear and read so much: Who was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
During his lifetime, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, physicist and Vedic sage, was considered the world’s leading expert in the field of unfoldment and exploration of human consciousness.
On his initiative, not only Ayurveda but also the other Vedic knowledge traditions were renewed and combined with modern scientific findings.
Rediscovery of Consciousness-Based Medicine – Maharishi Ayurveda
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi reassembled Ayurveda, which had been fragmented over the centuries, into a living whole and returned consciousness as a healing factor to its original meaning.
This comprehensive form of Ayurveda has spread and gained recognition worldwide under the name Maharishi Ayurveda.
Health, Vitality, Creativity and Joy of Life
His contribution is the key point for a modern holistic health care system, to which millions of people owe an increase in health, vitality, creativity, and joy of life, as well as the reduction of anxiety, stress, and psychosomatic disorders.
After his passing, at a ripe old age on February 8, 2008, the government of his native India honored Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with a state funeral at a traditional site on the banks of the Ganges River.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: “What distinguishes Ayurveda?”
What makes Ayurveda a holistic, sophisticated health program? Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who combined traditional Ayurveda with modern science, explains. (1 min.)

Recognition of Maharishi Ayurveda by the
The ALL INDIA AYURVEDIC CONGRESS is the professional organization of Ayurveda in India and the largest Ayurvedic association in the world, with more than 300,000 Ayurvedic experts. The president of the ALL INDIA AYURVEDIC CONGRESS, Vaidya Shiv Karan Sharma Chhangani, as well as five other high-ranking representatives confirmed in 1997 after years of examination in official statements the highest quality and authentic application of Maharishi Ayurveda.